I’d love to use this blog as a way for me to share what I’ve learned through my experiences and my perspective of design. I hope it will be useful to you.
Throughout this section, I share my personal conception and philosophy of design that have been valuable to me as a designer. My mentor and guiding star has been Prof. Erik Stolterman Bergqvist, with his excellent course in Design Theory, for helping me find the designer in me.
This article discusses how Apple users are obliviously entrapped into its ecosystem on three different levels; product level, ecosystem level, and business level. As a future product/ experience designer...
The world we live today has been known to shift from the material to a more experiential driven. This is an article expressing my views and principles of building meaningful Experiences as a designer.
The rapid evolution of technology has enabled mankind to be more connected than ever before. However, the advent of technology dates back to our survival instincts from the Stone Age...
Inspired teaches, how to build successful technology products. I've come to realize how important it is to be mindful of the full production pipeline while designing.
Feel free to leave me an email with your name and contact information. Or set up some time here.