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Trailhead Live
Role :
UX Research, UX Design
Timeline :
6 Weeks
Team size :
2 Members
"Salesforce, online platform for self-paced learning, empowering users with skills and knowledge for modern workforce success and job opportunities."
Who are the users
Salesforce customers, developers, administrators, Job seekers, Students and educators
Why they use Trailhead?
Learning new Salesforce skills, Earning Salesforce certifications, Improving job readiness, Keeping up-to-date with new Salesforce features, Building a network.
How does Trailhead help users?
So higher engagement = Increased Learning
“Propose effective methods to enhance Trailhead users knowledge and learning experience on any of the platform modules.”
We identified Trailhead Live as having untapped potential with a multitude of options to improve upon, so we chose to redesign this space.
Why Trailhead Live?
faster training completion with video -based learning
increased engagement  levels
productivity gain for every dollar spent on e-learning
How Trailhead impacts learning?
Online Webinars
  • Ease of use
  • More engaging
  • Live interaction and engagement
  • Minimal Time Commitment
  • Offer a range of multimedia elements
  • Improve memory retention
  • Opportunities for real-time feedback and discussion
Stay Informed
  • Trailblazer - Geting Daily Updates
  • Upcoming training content
Flexible Learning
  • Access Weekly Sessions
  • 880+ content since 2019
  • No scheduling constraints
"Users face obstacles accessing Trailhead Live webinars, impeding their ability to stay current on technology and news."
Our solution aims to simplify the process of searching webinars, provide information about webinars before they start, and make the experience of viewing videos easier.
Research and insights
Competitors chosen :
LinkedIn, Coursera, Udemy, Trailhead Live
To understand the market trends and identify opportunities.
  1. Harder navigation for users to find the content they are looking for.
  2. Limited customization options.
  3. No clear overview of user’s course Progress.
  4. Limited Search Functionality.
  5. Limited social features for learners to connect and share with each other.
  6. Video player lacks lack of industry-standard features.
Compares usability to predefined heuristics principles and practices.
To see if Trailhead Live can be used in a way that is most compatible for users and aligns with recognized 10 usability principles.
  1. Content is difficult to find.
  2. Difficulty is caused by unlimited scrolling.
  3. No personalization available.
  4. No role or interest-based recommendations.
  1. Category unspecified
  2. Limited playback controls
  3. No search bar
Recognition rather than recall
Minimize the user’s memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible.
Flexibility and efficiency of use
Accelerators. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.
1. Professionals updating skills or keeping up with technology.
2. Students learning new skills.
By observing participants in real time, we were able to get insight into how different users interact with the platform.
1. Difficulty in searching for content required.
Inefficient Search engine
Content overload
No Author Linkage
2. Challenging to find relevant content.
Category unspecified
Level of Difficulty
Unpersonalized learning curve
3. Content is not personalized.
Content is not curated
Unpersonalized learning curve
4. Inefficient Video Player.
Limited playback controls
No Author Linkage.
No Discussion board
From our weekly calls and presentation we understood that salesforce team was trying to figure out content strategy in Trailhead Live:
1. How to decide whether to increase or cease posting of specific content?
2. How to provide video recommendations to the users?
Pain points
Before : Difficulty in searching for content required.
  • "There's too much clutter in the homepage"
  • “Information overload on the homepage, I got tired scrolling”
Before : No search bar for Trailhead live.
  • "I have no idea how to look for a video”
  • "I find it time consuming to have to scroll through all the videos just to find the one that I want to watch"
No categories  to simplify what the user is looking for
  • "Videos would be better if they were categorized”
Before : Lack of information
  1. "I need more information going into the video about the content""
  2. "I would like to know more about the Webinar before I decide to watch it"
  3. "Videos would be better if they were categorized”
Before : Content is not personalized to the user
  1. “I'd like to see videos based on only my line of profession”
  2. "I would like to see more videos related to the webinar"
  3. "The platform is not designed for a recurring user"
Before : Video player is inefficient leaving the user frustrated
  1. "I can only pause and play the video"
  2. "Not able to watch videos at different speeds“
  3. “Unable to seek using arrow keys”" Need keyboard shortcuts for an easier experience"
How might we?
- improve the visual experience for the users?
- guide the users to search for content easily?
- help the users find their interests and preferences
- tailor the experience to suit the users needs
- enhance video player usability.
Sketches and wireframes
Trailhead Live Redesign
  1. Banner with Live or recorded videos preview with CTA button
  2. Upcoming schedule on  the side bar
  3. More breathable space with the additional padding
  4. Content is well-structured so it is easy to read and process.
  1. Live preview on hover
  2. Add to bookmark
  3. Short description of the content so user is informed what it is about
  4. Category tags to understand if it falls in their domain
  5. Author linkage to filter using this author
  6. Broadcast date for users knowledge
  1. Trailhead trails are personalized to users' career paths when they sign up.
  2. By curating content based on users' skills and preferences, the viewing experience can be more fulfilling.
  3. For example, if a user is interested in programming, they will be shown videos that are related to that domain.
  4. Suggests skills that are required for their career path
  5. Recommends videos based on their past historyand saved bookmarks
  1. More Playback Controls : Skip, Picture in picture, Playback speed controls, Closed captions, Seek by sections
  2. Users will now be able to check more content posted by the creator.
  3. Shows category tags with the description
  4. Shows streaming language
  5. Level of Difficulty
  6. Sharable CTA buttons
  7. Bookmark Option
Hold on! Remember our stakeholder requirement?
1. How to decide whether to increase or cease posting of specific content?
2. How to provide video recommendations to the users?
We introduced a new qualifier called Trending
  1. Our research indicates that Trailhead Live videos appeals to a relatively niche audience and may not be of interest to users in other domains.
  2. Quantitative metrics such as review ratings and view counts do not adequately capture this qualitative aspect.
  3. To address this, we have introduced a new qualifier that gauges the level of preference among a dedicated group of users. By using this qualifier in conjunction with category tags and descriptive information, we aim to help users more easily find the content that best suits their needs and interests.
  4. The percentage can serve as a useful guide for stakeholders in deciding whether to continue with the particular streaming content or not.
Insights from User Testing
2. Dropdown search bar
  1. Presence of two search bars on the Trailhead Live page was confusing for the user
  2. Users were unable to fully grasp the significance of the dedicated search bar.
  3. Majority of users indicated that they would search for content using the main search bar
Task Analysis
1. Task Success Rate
Were the users able to complete the task? (1 - pass and 0 - fail)
  1. Are the users able to search for content easily?
    Learnings indicated that about 85% of users went straight to the search bar of the platform to search for the content.
  2. Are the users able to find domain relevant content?
    57% of users used the filters and rest used the categories to filter down the content they preferred.
2. Time taken(SEQ)
What is the time taken to complete the task?
80% of users were able to find the desired content within 1 minute of searching.
    Cognitive Analysis
    Single ease question (SEQ)
    Measures the participant's perceived ease of a task on a scale of 5 ( 1 - very easy to 5 - very difficult)
    How easy was it to complete these tasks?
    The average SEQ(single ease question) score changed from 4 to 2 indicating an easier level of ease.
    How can we measure success?
    If this redesign is deployed the product can be measured for success by:
    1. Engagement rate
    The  level of interaction and participation that learners have within the Trailhead live platform :
    Attendance rate
    Participation rate
    Completion rate
    Feedback rate

    3. Task completion time
    Amount of time it takes a learner to complete a specific task or activity within the Trailhead live platform :
    Time to search for content
    Time to find relevant content
    What would I do differently?
    1. How to optimize the search functionality?
    Simplifying the search bar through more research to decrease the learning curve on the users.
    2. Personalizing the learning dashboard
    Personalization is essential for creating impactful experiences, and there are endless possibilities for tailoring experiences to meet users' preferences and needs.
    3. User’s course Progress.
    While the videos are connected to the trail modules, there is currently no clear overview of a user's progress within a course on Trailhead Live.
    Personal Takeaways
    1. Experience Corporate Ethos
    Through working with Salesforce, my team experienced the company's corporate ethos and learned about industry standards and core values. We utilized Salesforce's SLDS (Salesforce Lightning Design System), a standardized and efficient design system, to support collaboration, reinforce branding, and ensure consistency in our design components.
    2. Create engaging presentations
    As part of our weekly deliverables, we had to create engaging presentations to captivate Salesforce supervisors and teams. These presentations not only helped us improve our presentation skills but also allowed us to meet industry expectations for engaging and informative presentations.
      2. Efficiently collaborate with team mate and peers
      We maintained constant communication with both the development and management teams to ensure the feasibility of our solution, allowing us to focus on industry requirements and user pain points. This efficient collaboration with our teammates and peers led to a more comprehensive understanding of the project requirements.

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